What are your goals in 2008 as a scrapper?

I think my scrap goals this year are to SCRAP FASTER!!! lol! I am such a slow scrapper, I think! I also would like to actually scrap more of my son. My gallery consist mostly of my daughter, I would love to get them fairly even and finally get some books printed out. He's not one for pictures, so this may be a task! I would also love to get into more hybrid stuff. I have done a paint can and thats it. I have other projects "ready" to start, but they are just not getting done. I may start this weekend with DD's Valentine goodies. :)

From Our Blog To Yours - TGIF!!!

I know this has been seen a million times...still I think it's my all time favorite!

From Our Blog 2 Yours- Need to warm up?

You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe

But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated
You're a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guys
Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites.
And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.


WOW...It is hard to pick just one! I love all the challenges! I am gonna have to go with the cookie challenge, I think because off the top of my head, some of my favorite layouts came from it (clickable for credits):